The Secret To Achieving Anything

I’ve been struggling with creativity, motivation, and drive the last few months to be honest. While I have so much to be grateful for, and indeed I am. However; I just haven’t been operating at the level that I want to be operating at, in life and in business.

I expect more from myself, and something has been missing.

Today I had a brief moment of clarity regarding my situation and everyone else out there that either feels the same way or at some time has felt the same way. During this moment of clarity I realized that I’ve been focusing on the absolute wrong thing(s) in an attempt to bring me out of my “slump”.

I’ve been looking in the mirror and asking myself over and over again, “What do I do now?”. Digesting that very question I’ve come up with a list something like this:

  • Rework your podcast (check, did that)

  • Rebrand your Youtube channel (check, did that)

  • Read more (check, did that)

  • Go for more runs (check, did that)

  • Eat less gluten (check, did that)

  • Eat MORE gluten (check did that)

…you get my point. I was willing to try anything that I could think of that would create the proper momentum that would allow me to take every aspect of my life to the next level or at the very least get me back on track.

Well, guess what happened?

Nothing. ***Obviously things happened, but the tangible results I was looking for weren’t there.***

So, back to today.

I had a very strong moment of clarity in regards to figuring out what to do next to get me back on track. That moment of clarity made it very apparent to me that by focusing on what to do next I was grasping at straws. Instead, I uncovered the secret to achieving anything in our lives.

In one moment I became dramatically aware that it isn’t about searching for what to do, it was actually tapping into to the knowledge that I already have after thirty eight years on this planet. That pearl of wisdom was this…

Stop worrying about what TO DO next and focus on what you know NOT TO DO.

Let me explain.

While testing the waters and eating more or less gluten could you reach your goal? Sure you could (the whole gluten thing is an analogy for anything in life really). However; if you really want to expedite your process and get to your ultimate destination quicker focus on the data that you already have. Instead of focusing on the NEXT great idea start noting the things you KNOW you shouldn’t be doing. Start avoiding the items and actions that you know just muddy the water and get in your way.

I will paint the picture a little more clearly with a list that I came up with. These are some of things that I want to avoid as much as possible that will categorically get me closer to my vision once they are managed or completely eliminated:

  • Social media

  • Dehydration

  • Missing workouts

  • Missing meditation

  • Distracted when with family and friends

  • Lazy

  • Not taking my vitamins

  • Not blogging

  • Lacking sleep

  • Not journalling

  • Ignoring manifestation practice

  • Making excuses

  • Settling for mediocrity

Again, I think you can get a sense of the theme here.

Perhaps you’re nothing like me and you already have a high level of awareness of not only the thing(s) you should be doing to get you closer to your goals but you also have a deep understanding of what not to do. For me I needed this paradigm shift like never before. It was like I gave myself room to breathe. I no longer had to solve an equation that no one has every truly solved and I just grabbed at the knowledge that I already had in my back pocket.

No longer was I concerned about THE next thing. I’m now just interested in avoiding the things that I know don’t serve me, my vision, or my ultimate purpose.

So what is the secret to achieving all of your wildest dreams?

I actually have no idea but I bet I could take a crack at the list of the things that you shouldn’t be doing.

For most of us it is pretty universal. Avoid the things that give us short term gain and long term pain and avoid those things that when we truly do cut them from our lives we seem to smash goals and targets left, right, and centre.

While I don’t have a system or a tool for you to take and run with here, what I do have for you all is the freedom of not worrying about the next thing you have to do to get you “X”. Instead just focus on avoiding the things that you know don’t serve you. Live your life that way for even just 1 day and watch how you feel, and watch the reality around you. Enjoy the new pace at which your attacking life that may seem slower but ultimately it is getting you to your ultimate end result faster than any other method attempted before.


When They Leave The Party

