I will. I can. I am.

I often reflect on the power of beliefs and how they impact my world as well as the world of those whom I am lucky to work with. Truthfully, this is all still relatively new for me as I was only truly introduced to the power of our beliefs back in 2018 when I started working with Niyi Sobo. Niyi introduced me to what he called the B.E.A.R philosophy which I’ve written about in Life the Recipe and still use the concept with my clients today. B.E.A.R teaches us that Beliefs turn into Emotions, Emotions turn into Actions, and Actions create Results.

It all begins with your beliefs. It all begins with your mindset.

On a run the other day I was challenging myself to come up with a way to help others understand the levels to building up strong beliefs, essentially a ‘How To’ and here is what I’ve constructed:


  1. Begin with a declaration of “I will…”. By writing and speaking “I will” aloud holds a certain gravity to it. Announcing you WILL do something begins an accountability process, and accountability is something we could all use more of in our lives. By stating “I will” to yourself (through written word or aloud) or to those you love and trust, you’ve begun the process of identifying with someone who does what they say they are going to do. This step shouldn’t be overlooked and for many of us is a key piece in solidifying desirable personal beliefs. (The next obvious step is to actually do what you said you would.)

  2. Stating “I can” is another incredibly powerful and visceral statement that should ultimately set you up for success regarding that thing that you’ve stated that you can do. Our very own 3 & 4 year old children give great examples of this when they are looking to do something on their own that they’ve clearly never done. Hearing them say “I can help cut that onion.” is a reminder for me to get out of the way and let them (safely) explore their limits. It shouldn’t be surprising to me that more often than not that when they state “Dad, I can… x” they absolutely can do it. This, on a psychological level must be doing wonders for them, and on so many other levels this creates such a solid foundation of belief within themselves that I am imagining begins, over time, to become unshakeable. By stating “I can” you are placing the most important vote you can, a vote within you. Get this down, understand its power and watch the beliefs it fuels.

  3. Lastly the most powerful piece to truly cement a high level of self belief, use the I am statement as often as you can. Rounding out an I am statement with a reality you are seeking puts you in a mental state as if you’re already there. Whether we are talking healthy, wealthy, fit, in love, a business owner, a loving father, you name it, by placing I am in front of the words that describe your ultimate reality, your desires, your supporting some of the most impactful beliefs that are possible. Writing I am statements down, reciting them out loud, or recording yourself and listening to them before bed every night are just a few ways you can begin to utilize the power of creating some of those most incredible beliefs that you can then begin to watch become your reality.


EQ > IQ for Leaders in 2023


Mindset: 8 British Men In A Boat.